
Cypress Eirwen

dark knight | mother | drowning in search of peace
A looming silhouette in any tavern room, Cypress is a reserved figure who prefers to keep others at arm's length. Though she may take time to warm up initially, she is gentle and kind to those who are in need, and will go out of her way to help those who cannot help themselves.Within love lurks cruelty, however, and Cypress struggles with a terrible power borne of grief. Haunted by the murder of her beloved friend Cygne, Cypress scours the star in search of his killer; forever caught between warring desires of caring for her family, of pursuing vengeance, and of finding peace.

R'oa Metellus

ex-conscript | artisan | tending to flames of the heart
Hot as a blade’s edge, R’oa Metellus is a man who wears his heart on his sleeve. A former Garlean conscript, R'oa managed to escape and was hired by a crafting guild. Finding new purpose in the heat of a forge, R'oa has found stability in his new life; for every day he was imprisoned, there is a new day to spend however he pleases.Though still a bit rough around the edges, R’oa has a big heart and an even bigger penchant for adventure and new things. Whether it’s a craft, an expedition, or a ridiculously dangerous venture, R’oa will jump at the chance to join in the fun.

Mylo Sweet

sky pirate | scholar | mapping the endless sky
Born with a weak body, Mylo has struggled to find his place in the world. It was not until an attempted robbery gone wrong that Mylo's intelligence earned him a place among a sky pirate crew, and soon Mylo found himself right at home with his fellow privateers of the sky.Unfortunately, Mylo's taste of freedom was short-lived; mutinous schemes and service in the Bozjan Resistance cost him dearly, and since then Mylo has set his sights on becoming a Sharlayan scholar. More often than not, however, Mylo still finds himself dreaming of grander designs among the clouds...



  • Open to in-game RP and character plotting! please message me on discord before starting any rp.

  • Paragraph/multi-paragraph preferred.

  • Can RP in dungeons with light and/or full RP parties!

  • Explicit mutual consent is required for anything that is a dealbreaker, even if it doesn't happen to my character.

  • 21+ rp partners only.

  • Though some of my characters are open for romance, OOC discussion is an absolute requirement before a romantic thread is pursued.

  • Absolutely no racism, sexism, ableism, or homophobia of any kind. Referring to in-game prejudices as existing is okay, but directing those attitudes toward my characters is not. Ask me OOC if you are unsure.

  • IC and OOC are separate! please treat them as such.

general guide

- slice of life- gore
- casual adventure & dungeons- lore breaking (bending is okay!)
- story-driven- grimdark storylines
- character progression-excessive violence
- drama/mystery/intrigue-erp*
- platonic/romantic relationships- pvp*
- Found family- emotional manipulation
- long-term stories/partners- character injury/death
- +21 y/o rp partners- meta-game and god-game
- est timezone- mixing ic and ooc
- /party chat preferred when in public, non-rp spaces- characters that cannot travel to city-states/residential districts

*may be permissible with ooc discussion beforehand


  • basics: cap | 28 | autistic | they/them

  • server: primal | leviathan

  • timezone: est

  • discord: knightblooms

Hello hello! My name is Cap and I'm a librarian, artist, and lover of all things soft and cartoony. I enjoy RP a lot and am looking to find serious RP partners! I enjoy arts & crafts, making moodboards/playlists, video games, reading, and watching bad movies!